
The reality of dealing with teenagers can seem daunting and confusing. For parents, the thought that this young person’s future is dependent on the decisions they make can seem frightening, even more so if you are a single parent.
Gone are the sentiments of “back in my day” or “when I was young” because the cold hard truth is that these kids are being brought up in an age of advanced technologies within an interconnected world governed by vastly different social pressures which are far beyond our parental sensibilities.
Unless we take the time to kneel down to their level with compassion and understanding and genuinely undertake to appreciate their world, we will lose the battle every time.
Anyone who has ever had the misfortune of dealing with a troubled teen will tell you, they are impossible to work with. This is, in part, due to them undergoing natural hormonal fluctuations as they grow and develop into young adults. They are naturally exploring the boundaries of their environment and if left unchecked, through sheer naivety, they often find themselves in all kinds of serious trouble.
The reality is that teens will be teens, as the truism goes and they will do whatever they feel is best for themselves in the moment, this is a natural consequence of being alive. It must be said however that it borders on the cruel to keep them locked away for years of their youth, appreciating of course that we are, in some cases left with little other choice for them. The best we can genuinely offer our teens is the knowledge to make the right choice when it counts the most.
This is where the Recovery Workshop fits in, our goal is to provide meaningful guidance and useful education to equip your teen with the knowledge and life skills that could mean the difference between life and death when a situation calls for them to engage.
Our Adolescent program is professionally tailored for ages 13 to 18 only and is a focused 12-week program that is made up of 3 sessions per week.
- A one-on-one individual/family counselling session
- A teen-specific life skills and recovery workshop group (maximum 8 per group)
- A weekly peer support group (Ages 13 to 18 only and facilitated by a trained professional)
- We also conduct weekly drug testing.
The teen-specific life skills workshop will cover all relevant age-appropriate topics such as vaping, social media, relationships, parents, pornography, drugs and alcohol, to highlight a few.
Book an assessment with one of our professional counsellors and we will be able to assist you, the parents and your teen in finding the most appropriate way forward.

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