Peer Support Groups
Professionally guided group therapy is an indispensable component of addiction treatment and behaviour modification. Human beings are social by nature, which is why group work is such a powerful tool. Group therapy has many advantages over other therapeutic modalities, particularly when working with teens:
- Positive peer support
- Reduced feelings of isolation
- Real life examples of people in recovery
- Information and feedback from peers
- Social skills training and practice
- Healthy peer confrontation
- Hope support and encouragement
- A recognition that you are not alone
- The building of self-awareness
- Help from peers in coping with substance abuse and other life problems
- A substitute family that may be healthier than the clients family of origin
- Provide space to practice life skills such as assertiveness and being authentic.

Teen Support Groups
Thursday Evenings
18h00 to 19h00
The purpose of this group is to allow for age-appropriate supervised group therapy. Too often teens are unable to relate or participate in any meaningful way when they attend regular self-help groups like NA or AA, or support groups like HEAL. This is where group therapy loses its effectiveness and they miss out on many of the powerful benefits groups can offer. Ages for this group are restricted between 13 and 18 and are guided and facilitated by one of our trained counsellors.

Parent Support Groups
Thursday Evenings
18h00 – 19h00
There are few things more challenging than having your child attend an addiction or behavioural support group, much less leaving them there for an hour. In response to this, we have chosen to run a separate yet concurrent support group for the parents and guardians of these troubled teens. Here we will educate and share key experiences and parenting skills in dealing with and understanding troubled teens so as to be better informed and equipped for any future difficulty.